Wednesday, December 3, 2014

An Apology

I would like to apologize to you, our readers, for being lousy at writing posts recently.  Over Thanksgiving we did not post much, we haven't posted much this week.

To compensate for our lack or writing.  I would like to suggest a double writing challenge.  Meaning, we would both write a response to the prompt given.

For the prompt I am going to use one of my own design.  You may object to me choosing the prompt, but I think is fair seeing that I wrote this prompt as soon as I woke up.  I could not even focus my eyes yet.  My hand writing was terrible.

Here is the prompt:
     Anyone can write a poem about anywhere, but it is a rare man who can write about air.

Lindy, I expect you response tomorrow! 

Ps. Have a wonderful week of finals.

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