Tuesday, August 26, 2014


The front cover of the current issue of "Baily's Beads"
My English class this semester is entitled "Literary Editing and Magazine Production." Since I will probably end up in some sort of magazine work after graduation, I was extremely excited when I discovered it's title. A class entirely dedicated to the science of magazine making! (Call me a nerd, but I get excited over this sort of thing.)

However, it gets even better. The main portion of this class is actually comprised of editing and publishing the school's literary magazine, "Baily's Beads:" a magazine that has won several national awards.

I'm not entirely sure what my role will be in the creation of the publication. We only met for the first time today so I don't know how everything will work out. I know for sure that I will be on the promotion committee with some intensely creative people that I look forward to working with.

The most exciting part for me is being able to work with other people in my department. These are the kinds of people who I will someday share a workplace and a professional field with. The magazine is also opening up a whole field of opportunities for me to establish a network and meet people who make a living doing what I want to do. It gives me opportunities to share God-given gifts and talents.

While I still am feeling overwhelmed and disjointed, I'm looking forward for the rest of this semester. I feel like it has something special to offer. Something that, like a bead, will gleam brightly on my string of college semesters.

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