Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Grand Entrance

The curtains part.  The audience waits in suspense.  They hold their breath.  The "tap tap" of our feet is heard long before they can see us.  We walk out of the shadow of the curtain and into the stage lights.  The audience claps politely and then waits for us to perform.  For several months now we have been planning on making our entrance into the blogging world.  We have waiting to get over our stage fright.

Actually, we have just been waiting for the opportune moment. We are Lindy and Anna.

I (Lindy) am a sophomore in college attending the University of Pittsburgh to study writing. I love 
the outdoors and find nature awe-inspiring. You can tell what mood I'm in based on the amount of music I hum or sing; the more you hear, the happier I am. My favorite animals are polar bears and cats, and I love warm sweaters. Unlike a large population of the United States, I prefer snow to sand and don't like the beach that much. Give me pine trees and mountain lakes and I am a very happy girl!

I (Anna) am also a sophomore, only I am a sophomore in high school. I am home schooled, and have been home schooled all the way through grade-school. God, people, and art are the most important things in my life. I have known God my whole life, and he keeps introducing himself to me in new ways. I would be a wreck without Him. People are second on my list because without people, life would be colorless. I enjoy taking classes in school that help me to understand people, races, ethnics, behaviors, etc. better, but my favorite way to learn about people is to go out and talk to them. I like to meet new people. One of the easiest ways for me to relate people is through art, whether it be through music, dance, paint, charcoal, or writing. Art is also the way I express myself. I find it so much easier than talking. Hopefully through this blog, I will be able to share some of that with you.

We are sisters, and we decided to start this blog because I (Lindy) am going off to college. I did my first year at a local college but am now moving away from home. Using this blog, we hope to stay connected over the miles.  

The Rules
  1. Lindy will write on the even days of the month. Anna will write on the odd days of the month.
  2. Blog topics are only limited to our imaginations.
  3. If one person forgets to post on their assigned day, the other will challenge them with a writing prompt of the challengers choice in varying levels of difficulty. The challenged blogger must then respond the next day with their piece of writing brought forth from the writing prompt. 
We hope you enjoy this blog and partake in this journey with us.
Much love in Christ,
~Lindy and Anna

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