Monday, November 24, 2014

The Unwanted Wedding Part V

The dragon did not pause to introduce itself or give a wordy description of who he was.  He simply walked across the hall scattering screaming puff balls of fabric each time he took a step, and grasped the awestruck princess in one of its enormous clawed talons.

The claws squeezed so tightly around her waste, she could not scream or give vent to the feeling piling up inside of her.  She was horrified at the thought of being this terrifying beasts dinner, but she was also rejoicing because the dragon had done what she could not do.  It had found a way to keep her from marrying the ugly prince.

The dragon launched itself off the ground, and rocketed through the ceiling, creating another hole in the middle of the hall.  The King grabbed the princess's train in a futile attempt to save her, but the thin fabric just ripped off of her dress.  Turned to the queen, and started to yell at her for making the dress out of such flimsy fabric and other foolish stuff.


The dragon raced over mountains, valleys, and fields.  The dragon had relaxed its grip on the Princess allowing her to breath more easily.  As the time passed, the princess found that she was enjoying the trip.  She had never flown, and, therefore, had had no chance to see her kingdom from a bird's view.  She thought it was simply magnificent.

They flew for hours and hours.  Eventually, the princess fell asleep with the wind running through her hair and stinging her cheeks.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Why Winter Is Really the Best

Winter has already moved in to stay here in Northern Pennsylvania. Unlike much of the population of the United States, I like winter. And not just the snow like a lot of people. I actually like the cold too. It wakes me up and makes me feel alive.

I want to share a few of my favorite things about winter with you, so below is a list of my favorite things about winter (in no particular order.)

  1. Four words: kids in snow gear
  2. Christmas lights
  3. The excuse to drink hot chocolate
  4. Snow hikes
  5. Christmas gift exchanges 
  6. Sledding 
  7. Snow days! (Unfortunately, my school has only had two snow days in the past thirty years.)
  9. Our coal stove
  10. Christmas parties
  11. No one can put their arms all the way at their sides because their winter coats are so darn puffy!
  12. Beautiful scenery
  13. Little kids with red cheeks and noses
  14. Scarves
  15. It looks like Narnia (thank you C.S. Lewis)
  16. Time with friends
  17. Photo shoots, because pictures are always better with snow.
  18. Family events where you see people you only see a few times a year, or even just at Christmas
  19. Sweaters
  20. Really good food
  21. Special church services 
  22. Lots of smiles :)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Ballet is Intense

It was ten O'clock.  The ballet dancer gladly untied the straps to her shimmering ballet shoes.  She put them on at nine O'clock, and had rarely taken them off since then.  Her feet ached.
When she decided to be a ballerina at the age of eight, she had had no idea it was going to be this hard.  Hours of rehersals, minutes of anxiety at auditions, and thrilling moments of performing.
Her feet always seemed to hurt, but it was a good hurt; a hurt of which she was proud.  It told her that she was doing what she loved and living in her dream.  This hurt reminded her she could do a grand jete and a series of lightning fast pequae turns.
This hurt is what motivated her to do better and strengthen her body, and push herself to new levels.  This hurt meant strength.  It is quite amazing how often those to coincide. 
The ballerina put her shoes in her bag, and went home.  She was ready to do it all over again the next day.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Four Reasons to Love Lindsey Stirling

I spend a lot of time on the internet; especially on social media and YouTube. Through YouTube, I have discovered some creative and ingenious people who are sharing their gifts with the world. One of them is Lindsey Stirling. Stirling is a hip-hop violinist who combines classical-sounding violin melodies with hip-hop and dub-step backed music. Just watching a few of her videos can cheer me up on a down day, and I have come up with four reasons why you should join her fan base.

  1. She marvels at the world around her. She is always amazed at what she discovers. In her vlogs, she is often seen being amazed at what she sees. She gets excited about the big things like the cities she visits, but she also gets excited about the little things like gifts from her fans or a hat from a street vendor. I think child-like wonder is something that adults should feel free to do, and she is a great example.
  2. She practices her faith. Despite the fact that I don't believe the same way she does, I respect and admire the fact that she is open about her practices. She is Mormon, and in several of her videos she and her crew are seen praying before a show. Not many people have the gumption to talking about their faith, and she makes it clear that that is who she is.
  3. She rocks her own unique style. It's expected for someone of her job to have a very individual style. I mean, she is a hip-hop violinist. She rocks her style. From every concert to music video to vlog, she looks great. To see the range of her costumes check out her music video to "Minimal Beat" which was filmed when she was on her world tour. It's a fun music video, and it's all Lindsey
  4. She oozes happiness. Like I said in the introduction, just watching a few of her videos cheers me up. She's always smiling. I love to see someone enjoying life and doing what they love.
Below are a few of my favorite videos from her:
Radioactive, This is a collaboration she did with Pentatonix, an a capella group that is another one of my favorite artists.

There are so many more of her videos that I love. Keep making music Lindsey!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

You Know You're a Writer When

As you know, I am writing major. As I immerse myself in the program, I have come to realize that I have developed certain traits and have had certain experiences that quite clearly label me a writer.

You know you're a writer when...

  1. You proofread a paper that has already proofread by four other people and find five mistakes.
  2. You get into passionate discussions with other writers over weather a certain grammatical error is truly a mistake or just a stylistic choice. 
  3. You have strong feelings about certain grammar uses.
  4. MLA vs. APA: the bane of the writing world.
  5. British vs. American: who knew that two countries who use the same language could have so many variations!?
  6. Using an exclamation mark can give you stress. 
  7. You are a beast when it comes to Scattergories.
  8. You are continually faced with the question, "Am I writing enough?"
  9. Journaling is the best way to vent your feelings.
  10. You continually have to tell people that you are a Writing major, not an English major. (Yes, some people have the audacity to tell you they are the same thing.)
  11. You use different writing styles to tell which multiple-choice answer your professor just copied and pasted to the test. This can be a very helpful hint as to which one is correct.
I know a lot of these are probably just me ranting, but, hey. The more you know!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


What makes me most content is making somebody smile.  Not a fake smile, and certainly not a grimace.  A smile that comes from instilled confidence, assured peace, or unexplainable, bubbling joy.

I think I feel happiest making other people smile like that because making them smile like that, makes me smile like that.

The Unwanted Wedding Part IV

The the grand hall was dripping with streamers, coated in flower, and stuffed to capacity.  There were hundreds of guests all robed in ridiculous finery.  One lady was wearing a hoop skirt so large, she took up five seats, and her husband was looking miserable in a floor length velvet jacket with fur trimming.

The organist started to play the bridal march, and the Princess began to walk slowly down the aisle.  She had to hold her breath to keep from laughing at all of the ridiculous outfits.

Her father met her half way down the aisle to lead her to the alter.  When she was five feet away from him, a low moaning started.  The bride paused and looked around, trying to see what was making the noise.  It started to rise in pitch and strength.  It was soon apparent that it was coming from outside the wedding hall.

All of the guests on the right side of the room rushed to the huge windows, looked out, and tried to discern where the noise was coming from.  The Princess stood on her tip toes trying to see over the many heads.

The noise was almost unbearable now.  The everyone was clutching at their ears trying to block the noise.

Suddenly, there was an ear-shattering crack, and the ceiling of the hall in the right front corner collapsed.  In through the hole came a giant golden beast.

"It's a dragon!" Screamed a guest.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

God Provides

I'm going to take a break from, "The Unwanted Wedding", and share a God moment from my life.

Every other Wednesday, I attend Hillside Christian Fellowship for youth group.  Every fall they have a weekend long retreat where, basically, we leave home for the weekend to listen to amazing speakers, grow closer with God, and have a blast.

So announcements were made, and my anticipation was mounting as I looked forward to the retreat.  There was only one downside.  The retreat cost money.

My family is not poor, but we are not rich either.  So as the deadline for payment was quickly approaching, I had no idea where the money was going to come from.  The funny thing is, I wasn't worried, and neither were my parents.  We all knew that God was going to provide the money someway or another.

A week before the money was due, there was a missionary speaker at our church.  At the end of every missions service, our church takes an offering for the missionary who was speaking.  My dad went to write a check, and as he was writing the check, he realized that the money that he was giving to the missionary was the money he was going to use to pay for my retreat, but God was telling him to give the money to the missionary, so he did.

Five days before the money is due, we get a check in the mail reimbursing us for dental work.  That money was enough to send me to the retreat plus to have a little left over! 

Wow, God provides.

What is more amazing is that neither mom, dad, nor I were nervous or stressed about the money coming in.  I felt like I should have been nervous, but I wasn't.  We knew God would provide.

God is good all the time.  All the time, God is good.

YouTube Mania!

Today's blog is going to be rather lazy. I have a hard test tomorrow and I need to study and therefore have no time to write a good blog. Instead I will give you a few of my favorite YouTube videos that always make me happy.

But first! Anna, you did not write at all this week, so your writing prompt is to write about what makes you feel most content. Is it a thing, a person, or a place? Tell me about it.

Now, YouTube! Enjoy!

(I know you're not a huge fan of Vlog Brothers, but you should really watch this one!)

Saturday, November 1, 2014


Here in northern Pennsylvania, we have had our first snow fall. None of it will stay because the ground is still too warm, but there is something magical about walking home through falling snow.  I know that many people hate the snow, but I love it and always have. I feel invigorated and alive when there is snow on the ground. I love hiking through it and coming home to hot chocolate and a good book. I love the feeling of being bone-tired after coming in from the snow. I love the way it nips at my nose, ears, and cheeks. There is something very special to me about the snow.

Since winter is quite long here where I live now, I hope to try some new things this year. I would love to try cross country skiing. Downhill skiing makes me nervous, but I think cross country is more like hiking, which is one of my favorite things to do in the snow. I can remember my mom getting a used pair of cross country skis and giving them a try in our back yard. She was so excited. Unfortunately, that pair of skis broke and her fun was cut short. Until now, I didn't really give cross country skiing much of a thought, but now that I live in an area with a good amount of snow, I would like to give it a try.

I also want to try snowshoeing. I remember reading "Brighty of the Grand Canyon" by Marguerite Henry when I was little. Toward the end of the book, several of the main characters are snowed into a cabin. One of the characters (I forget which one) makes a pair of snowshoes to help in their escape from the desolate cabin. Ever since reading about that, I've always wanted to try making a pair of my own. Even though I probably won't have a chance to make my own pair, I would like to give snowshoeing a try.

Snow makes me feel very nostalgic (if you didn't figure that out already). I would choose the snow over a beach any day. The snow makes me feel connected with nature, and reminds me of some fond childhood memories.

Anna, I am terribly sorry for missing all of my blogging days this week. Your wedding story is coming along great, but I'm itching for it to get some action. Give me something exciting with the next installment.