Thursday, November 6, 2014

God Provides

I'm going to take a break from, "The Unwanted Wedding", and share a God moment from my life.

Every other Wednesday, I attend Hillside Christian Fellowship for youth group.  Every fall they have a weekend long retreat where, basically, we leave home for the weekend to listen to amazing speakers, grow closer with God, and have a blast.

So announcements were made, and my anticipation was mounting as I looked forward to the retreat.  There was only one downside.  The retreat cost money.

My family is not poor, but we are not rich either.  So as the deadline for payment was quickly approaching, I had no idea where the money was going to come from.  The funny thing is, I wasn't worried, and neither were my parents.  We all knew that God was going to provide the money someway or another.

A week before the money was due, there was a missionary speaker at our church.  At the end of every missions service, our church takes an offering for the missionary who was speaking.  My dad went to write a check, and as he was writing the check, he realized that the money that he was giving to the missionary was the money he was going to use to pay for my retreat, but God was telling him to give the money to the missionary, so he did.

Five days before the money is due, we get a check in the mail reimbursing us for dental work.  That money was enough to send me to the retreat plus to have a little left over! 

Wow, God provides.

What is more amazing is that neither mom, dad, nor I were nervous or stressed about the money coming in.  I felt like I should have been nervous, but I wasn't.  We knew God would provide.

God is good all the time.  All the time, God is good.

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