Saturday, November 1, 2014


Here in northern Pennsylvania, we have had our first snow fall. None of it will stay because the ground is still too warm, but there is something magical about walking home through falling snow.  I know that many people hate the snow, but I love it and always have. I feel invigorated and alive when there is snow on the ground. I love hiking through it and coming home to hot chocolate and a good book. I love the feeling of being bone-tired after coming in from the snow. I love the way it nips at my nose, ears, and cheeks. There is something very special to me about the snow.

Since winter is quite long here where I live now, I hope to try some new things this year. I would love to try cross country skiing. Downhill skiing makes me nervous, but I think cross country is more like hiking, which is one of my favorite things to do in the snow. I can remember my mom getting a used pair of cross country skis and giving them a try in our back yard. She was so excited. Unfortunately, that pair of skis broke and her fun was cut short. Until now, I didn't really give cross country skiing much of a thought, but now that I live in an area with a good amount of snow, I would like to give it a try.

I also want to try snowshoeing. I remember reading "Brighty of the Grand Canyon" by Marguerite Henry when I was little. Toward the end of the book, several of the main characters are snowed into a cabin. One of the characters (I forget which one) makes a pair of snowshoes to help in their escape from the desolate cabin. Ever since reading about that, I've always wanted to try making a pair of my own. Even though I probably won't have a chance to make my own pair, I would like to give snowshoeing a try.

Snow makes me feel very nostalgic (if you didn't figure that out already). I would choose the snow over a beach any day. The snow makes me feel connected with nature, and reminds me of some fond childhood memories.

Anna, I am terribly sorry for missing all of my blogging days this week. Your wedding story is coming along great, but I'm itching for it to get some action. Give me something exciting with the next installment.

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