Wednesday, October 15, 2014

I'm Off The Grid!!!

Dear Lindy,

I am writing this from the library because our internet is down at home.  Even the 4G on my phone is weak.  We don't know why.  It has been very windy and rainy here so my theory is that something fell on the power tower (That rhymed.  I'm a poet and I didn't know it.) and is blocking our internet.

Needless to say, I have found how much my school depends on internet.  I can not do Chemistry or American Literature.  It is very frustrating because I am already behind in Chemistry, and I was hoping to get caught up this week.

One upside to this down is that I see how little I need the internet for socialization.  I have been able to  keep in touch with all my close friends through texting, phone calls, and - Heaven forbid! - seeing them in person.  It's been a nice break.

Well, since our internet is down, I do not know if I will be able to blog on Friday.  I really, really, REALLY hope our internet is up by then.  But just in case I do go off the grid, don't worry, I just don't have internet.


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