Tuesday, October 14, 2014

My Weekend

This past weekend, I had my apartment to myself. It was glorious!

Now I'm not saying that I don't like my housemates, in fact they are the people who keep me from becoming an internet-obsessed hermit, but there are certain benefits that come with having a place all to yourself. I have compiled a list:

  1. You can play your music and movies however loudly you want.
  2. You can leave your stuff laying around and no one will get annoyed. 
  3. You get some time to yourself, which is nice when you live in a rather small section of land with at least one thousand other people. (It's scary when you see it in writing, and I go to a small school!)
Another thing that made my weekend so amazing was that we had Monday off and I had virtually no homework. How lucky was that! That meant that I got to spend all day Saturday with my dad, and all day Sunday fund-raising at a fall festival with my friends so we can go to Pittsburgh in February. Having Monday off meant sleeping in until almost noon. It was sublime!

One would think that having such an empty weekend would energize someone, but for me it made me tired. Whenever my sleep schedule is messed with (by, like, sleeping in till noon) I become tired. Needless to day, classes today were a struggle, but one that I was happy to bear for the great weekend I had.

By the way, if you are looking for a good band to listen to, check out Twenty One Pilots. They are a cool mix of rap, alternative rock, scream, folk-ish feels, electronic, and thought-provoking lyrics. 

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