Saturday, October 11, 2014

Time Managing Tips From the Least Qualified Person EVER!

Dear Anna,

I am probably not the best qualified person to give advice about time management skills. I am a terrible procrastinator. I almost always put assignments or studying off till the last possible moment. (But let's be real, the internet is usually more interesting than homework anyways.)

However, right now school is a full-time job for both of us. On many forms I have filled out, they have a "Student" option when they ask for your occupation. It is literally considered a job, and one must get the job done. Here are a few things that I have learned that may help you schedule your time.

  1. Planners: A planner just might save your life. In there you can make a sort of to-do list for yourself. Write down everything from homework to hangouts, from tests to social engagements. I've been using a little one that Mom won for me in a bingo game last summer, and it is great! It has gotten so beat up from how much I use it. Planners are often pretty cute, too! Mine has motivating little saying in it.
    I am hoping to get an hourly planner for 2015, that way I can block out when I have classes, and then fill in the rest of the time with homework sessions, club meetings, and relaxation times.
  2. Calenders: We have these really cool things now called Smart Phones. I don't know if you've heard of them. They're pretty sweet. I think every single one of them has a calender built in. I use my phone's calender to mark down when things are due, when I'm going away, and when people are coming to visit. It's a good visual and you can even set up alerts so your phone tells you when something is up! (Note: Do not let this device control your life! No matter how wonderful it seems, use your own brain. There is so much more to life than that!)
  3. Get to know yourself: In all of this, know how you work. You are not going to do yourself any favors by stressing your body and mind out. Learn when you are most alert and motivated and do homework then. Know when you need to take a break. My philosophy is that a well-rested mind with just a little bit of knowledge will do much better than a exhausted mind crammed full with every fact under the sun.
I hope this helped you a little bit. Good luck!

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