Monday, September 29, 2014

Growing Pains

Have ever known you are passionate, but you do not know what you are passionate about?  I do.  I feel this readiness and eagerness to do something, but I do not know what that something is yet.

I love so many things, dance, cooking, art, office work (yes, I know that is weird.), singing, teaching,  serving, etc.  I can't choose just one thing to be passionate about.

For passion to be useful, it needs direction.  I need to channel it into something.  I need a worthy cause for which to fight tooth and nail.

Where will I find that cause?  I do not know.  It is out there somewhere.  When I find it, I'm going throw myself into it with all my heart. 

Passion is confounding when not applied to something.  Oh, growing up, why must you be confusing?

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Dear Anna,

Dear Anna,

This may sound strange (but you're used to that by now), but I was going through your old profile pictures the other day. While browsing, I realized that I have an awesome sister for several reasons:

  1. You are beautiful.
  2. You are smart.
  3. More importantly, you are wise. There have been several times in our relationship that I have been freaking out about something and you have looked at me and said, "Lindy, are you really going to make a big deal out of this?" Then I realize that what I'm saying is absolutely stupid. You've probably saved me several headaches in my lifetime in this way.
  4. You are a beast! You are a dancer, and that takes dedication and guts. You also like to rock climb which is one of the most beast-like hobbies anyone can think of.
  5. You are so sweet. The compassion you show to everyone is so admirable.
  6. You are passionate for God. Don't ever stop!
  7. I love you, and that makes anyone cool!
Now, all that said and done, you failed to blog yesterday. Here is your challenge: write this letter and post it for the world to see!

Love you bunches!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Be an Activist

Last night I went to a viewing of a documentary looking at water as a human rights issue; a discussion panel followed. As an audience, we asked questions about the film and about the panel member's thoughts and opinions. Not too long into the discussion time, an older gentleman from the community stood up and gave us students a pep-talk. He told us that the future is in our hands. He said that as young people, our job is to speak out for what we believe in. He encouraged us to peaceful protests.

I felt empowered. Not because a sixty-year-old man told me that I should make a difference but because I felt like my opinion mattered. I can make a difference; you can make a difference. We all can make a difference.

I encourage you to find something you are passionate about and do what you can to support it. As God to show you what your passions are. Become an activist for God and the passions He has given you.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Beth stood high in the sky.
She was a star.
At least, everyone told her she was.
They said, "You glitter and shine.  You must be a star."
Beth did not feel like a star.
She felt like a rock.
She had lots of dents and holes.
She was good at hiding them.
Nobody else ever saw them.
At the end of the day, she would stand in the sky and think about her dents and holes.
She would cry.
She would wipe those tears away quickly.
She could hide them from everyone else,
But Beth could not hide them from herself.

Monday, September 22, 2014

A Few Favorites

Words and the thoughts behind words have deep meaning to me.  Over my short life, several sets of words have stuck out to me.  I will share a few with you.

  • "She believed she could, so she did."
  • "It's a good feeling, you know, a good feeling to glow."
  • "Don't worry so much about what you are going to do, Henry.  Concentrate on who you are going to be."  ~"Bluffton" by Matt Phelan
  • "Love the unloved."
  • "A sea of instability"
  • "The shadows prove the sunshine." ~Switchfoot
  • "The truth lies undiscovered in a world full of lies"
  • "I wanna be in the light."  ~"In the Light" by DC Talk
  • "Seizing the light!"

*Those not specifically quoted are either of unknown origin or are of my own creation.

It Rained That Day

It rained that day.

That day it rained.

At first it was soft.


Then slowly it became a torrent, thundering and banging.

The rain slammed in sheets against the window.



It swirled in a vortex.

Then it's harsh pangs transitioned to soft.

Slowly, it backed off.

It again became a gentle rocking.

Back and forth.

Forth and back.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

I Challenge Thee: Part 3

For not blogging yesterday, you must write an essay, story or poem based off this picture.
You can write anything you want, but it has to be based off this phrase.
Good luck!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Something that I find interesting about life is that you always learn something. For many years of our lives we go to school to learn. That is school's purpose, but I think the world and the experiences it holds are the best teachers. As I look back over the past few weeks I have been here, the things that stick out in my mind as things that have been learned are not academic.

I think what I've learned most is that people, no matter how similar they or their situations may be now, come from vastly different life experiences. I often take having similar backgrounds for granted. Most of the people I grew up knowing and spending time with have life-stories similar to mine: Christian, middle class, white, and often home schooled.

But moving to college threw me into the vast whirl-wind of people: people of all nationalities, life experiences, hopes, dreams, and desires. Each of these factors brings something to a group or a friendship that is clearly unique to them and them alone. I'm a firm believer that where you came from has a direct impact on the person you become. Getting to know some people's stories helps you to know who they are now.

Our life stories are meant to be shared. They can be powerful leveling mechanisms, and I believe God uses them to share Him with others. Don't be afraid of your past. It makes you who you are.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Christian Rap?

Many Christians are opposed to upbeat Christian music.  This I do not understand.  I understand that certain genres of music like rap, metal, and rock had negative beginnings, but that does not mean it can not be used to glorify God's name.

Some would say that there is so much evil in that music, that it could never be used for good.  Would you say there us so much evil in painting that it could never be used to honor God? No, there are many amazing paintings depicting the holiness of God.  Yes, there is evil in music, but I believe God can overcome evil.

In our day and age, a Christian music culture is extremely beneficial.  There is so much horrible, degrading music that we need good music.  Christian music is like an oasis in a desert.  Bad music so pervades our culture that we need good music to counter and push it back.

Christian music can also be wonderful way to introduce others to Christ.  Introduce them to Lecrae, Tobymac, DC Talk, etc.  These artists have an amazing sound and meaningful lyrics. 

Music of all types is useful for Christians.  Let us not judge music based on genre, but on content.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Challenge Accepted

I survey the mess that is my creativity headquarters. Golden light filters in through the large windows and illuminate the ever present dust in the atmosphere. I sneeze painfully, and the action racks through my small frame: careless of the pain it causes. An old bed sheet is nailed across one corner of the room as a privacy screen. The floor under my feet is just plywood. No carpet has ever been installed.

I duck behind the bed sheet and sit down at my makeshift desk: packaging crates with a few misshapen boards laid across them. I stop to listen for the nosy people who so often intrude on these precious moments on my own. I pull from my bag an old package of flimsy paper and lay it out before me. I rub my pen in my hands to warm the ink and let the magic begin.

I Challenge Thee II

Tsk, tsk, tsk.  You missed your day!  This time I will not be so kind with my challenge for you.

Your scene must involve a sheet of plywood, a sheet of paper, and a sheet for a bed.  Second, you must use the words painful, flimsy, careless, and nosy.  Third, it may only be two paragraphs long.

Get ready. Get set. GO!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

You do not need to know.

When I entered ninth grade, everybody kept asking questions like this:
"Where are you going to college?"
"What are you going to do with your life?"
"What job do you want?"

Little thirteen year old me was scared.  I did not know.  Am I supposed to know what to do with my life?

Those questions have been sitting in the back if my mind for the past two years.  I always felt a little inadequate because I did not know what I wanted to do with my life.

I went to Creation music festival this past summer, and met a woman named Susan.  She was running a booth for an art gallery.  We started talking, and somehow we got onto the topic of what I wanted to do with my life.

She kept talking, and every single thing that came out her mouth struck a deep chord in me.  She talked about how she never thought she was going to be an art curator when she was young.  She did not know where life was going to take her.

She did not know, but God knew.  He used all of her experiences to prepare her for this job. 

This gave me comfort and joy.  Comfort because, I do not need to know what to do with my life.  Joy because, God, the one who created Nelson Mandela, William Shakespear, and Billy Gram, knows what he is going to do with my life. 

I do not need to know because he does.

(Ps.  I will answer your question about predestination and free will, Lindy.  I just need some time to think about it.)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Predestination vs. Free Will

I have discovered a pretty awesome new BBC TV show called "Merlin." It's a take on the story of King Arthur and the wizard Merlin. A very interesting subject is the debate of the predestination theory versus the f
"Merlin" Cast
ree will. In the show, the young Merlin often goes to seek advice from the Great Dragon. The Dragon tells him what he should do based on his destiny to save Arthur and the kingdom (predestination). However, many of the things that the Dragon asks Merlin to do go against Merlin's personal beliefs and morals (free will). 

Now this isn't a perfect comparison by far, but it reminds me of the discussion of predestination and free will in Christian circles. Predestination is the belief that God has already chosen who will be saved and go to Heaven. Free will is the belief that it is the individual person's choice as to weather or not they will come into Heaven. Both have Biblical backing which makes the discussion even more complicated. 

What are your thoughts Anna? Would you veer more towards predestination or free will? (Also, I can't wait to introduce you to "Merlin.")

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Giver of Gifts

The cavalcade of balloons jostled behind Edna as she walked home.  On her way back from the office, she had noticed the vendor selling balloons and could not resist buying them.

You see, she lived on a street full of children.  Children as you may know, love balloons, and Edna happened to love children.  She has bought one for each of them.

The red one was for Jase, who loved sausage and noodles.  Little Maggie a few doors down was going to have the purple one.  Sonny, who always carried a stuffed llama and a stuffed beaver, was going to have the dark green one.

Now for Essie, well, that is a different story.  Essie loved gifts.  She loved them of every shape and size.  But Essie was blind, so she could not see and enjoy gifts like other children.

Because of this, every time Edna brought her a gift she made sure it had an interesting texture.  One time she brought Essie a kiwi so that she could feel it's rough skin.  Essie had laughed with delight.  Edna hoped the smooth, sticky balloon would give her the same joy.

She walked up to a Nile green house to make the first of her deliveries.

Monday, September 8, 2014

I Challenge Thee!!!

Dear Anna,

Since you failed to blog yesterday, your challenge is to write a story based off the picture below. The story must be at least four paragraphs long and must include the words Nile, noodles, sausage, llama, beaver, and kiwi.

Best of luck!

PS. I don't know if you knew this, Anna, but there is a wonderful person from Poland who has been following our blog. Shout out to our Polish follower! You're awesome!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Black and White

I am a very black and white thinker. I like to know the rules, what's right, and what's wrong. Without thinking, I often label activities, ideas, products, and theories. I like to know the boundary and generally stay clear of it. I don't like blurred lines between different behaviors, and grey areas drive me nuts.

However, I'm starting to see that black and white thinking isn't always the best method.

As much as I would like it to be, the world is not black and white. It is made of varying shades of grey, and I think I need to learn to live with that. I'm not going to give up my convictions and beliefs, but I am going to accept that many people don't see the world as I do. I think at the end of it all, I'll
be a better person for it.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Life's Tough

Recently, life has been pretty tough.  Two of my good friends were in a really bad accident that resulted in horrific injuries.  I've been praying and I know others have been too.  I have found a few thing that have helped me focus on God and his plan.

First, Jeremiah 29: 11 has been playing itself through the back of my mind over and over again.

Psalms 34: 4-8 has helped me to pray.  It is also helping to banish my fear.

Lastly, the song, "Your Not Alone" by Marie Miller has been my battle song.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Covers: "Demons" by Imagine Dragons


As you know, I am in love with the song "Demons" by Imagine Dragons (you can view the original music video here). As you also know, I love finding well-done covers by independent artists of popular songs. The following is a list of some of my favorite covers of "Demons." Hope you enjoy!

Anthem Lights' Version

Kurt Schneider, Sam Tsui, and Max's Version

Tyler Ward and Kina Grannis' Version

The Harvard Callbacks' Version (The quality on this one isn't the best, but the vocals are amazing)

Simply Three's Version

Roomie & Friends' Version (this one is pretty funny)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Dear Lindy... Part 1

     Wanderlust.  That is the word that many have used to describe the longing to go away.  Anywhere.  Away from people.  Away from all that is familiar and dear.
     Of late, my mind has been yearning to go to Europe.  I want to travel the street of Rome, Paris, London.  I want to get lost in the country sides of Ireland and The Netherlands.  I don't just want to tour there.  I want to live there; to learn the language; to know the people.  I want to create my own little world in a new place.
     I think one of the core reasons I want this is because I want a place of my own.  I want a set of experiences that no one else I know has ever felt.  I want to have stories to tell.  I can just imagine all the little children gathered around me listening to my tales of grand old cities on the other side of the world.
     Do not get me wrong.  I love home.  I love our kitchen.  I love all the memories in our backyard, but there comes a point where we each must sail away.  My time has not yet come.  But yours has.
     Lindy, go do life as big and wide and deep as you possibly can.  Make your own set of experiences.  Go across seas that you never thought you could cross.  Don't let petty fears and insecurities hold you back.  Travel, see the world, get to know mindsets from all over the world.  Learn.  Learn everything you can.  Take every little nugget of knowledge that is given to you, treasure it, and store it away in your mind for future reference.  You will only get these years of youth and freedom once.
     Do more than people think you can.  Do more than I think you can.  
     Do life big.

Monday, September 1, 2014

The Poster

*This is an entirely fictional story, based off of the challenge issued to me by Anna for missing one day of blogging.

One day, a long time ago, I was walking through a mall. It was an ordinary mall, nothing too huge or grand or small or shabby. In that mall I saw a poster. Now in malls, weather they are huge or grand or small or shabby, there are always posters. Posters advertising everything from belts and bags to hardware and pets.

But this poster was different.

It was a very curious poster, for on it was a poodle. Now there is nothing curious about a poodle, but this poodle was advertising a country. You would probably guess that this poster would be for some high-end, fancy country like France or something of that sort. But the poster actually advertised the country of Nigeria. Interesting, I thought.

I didn't have much time to puzzle over the poster because I had completed my shopping and had plans for that evening. So I turned and went back out to my car. After I loaded my purchases into the trunk of my car, I walked around to get into my seat. I looked down at the ground, for no apparent reason, and saw a penny just beside my foot. I picked it up because we all know that pennies bring good luck and drove home.