Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Predestination vs. Free Will

I have discovered a pretty awesome new BBC TV show called "Merlin." It's a take on the story of King Arthur and the wizard Merlin. A very interesting subject is the debate of the predestination theory versus the f
"Merlin" Cast
ree will. In the show, the young Merlin often goes to seek advice from the Great Dragon. The Dragon tells him what he should do based on his destiny to save Arthur and the kingdom (predestination). However, many of the things that the Dragon asks Merlin to do go against Merlin's personal beliefs and morals (free will). 

Now this isn't a perfect comparison by far, but it reminds me of the discussion of predestination and free will in Christian circles. Predestination is the belief that God has already chosen who will be saved and go to Heaven. Free will is the belief that it is the individual person's choice as to weather or not they will come into Heaven. Both have Biblical backing which makes the discussion even more complicated. 

What are your thoughts Anna? Would you veer more towards predestination or free will? (Also, I can't wait to introduce you to "Merlin.")

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