Monday, September 29, 2014

Growing Pains

Have ever known you are passionate, but you do not know what you are passionate about?  I do.  I feel this readiness and eagerness to do something, but I do not know what that something is yet.

I love so many things, dance, cooking, art, office work (yes, I know that is weird.), singing, teaching,  serving, etc.  I can't choose just one thing to be passionate about.

For passion to be useful, it needs direction.  I need to channel it into something.  I need a worthy cause for which to fight tooth and nail.

Where will I find that cause?  I do not know.  It is out there somewhere.  When I find it, I'm going throw myself into it with all my heart. 

Passion is confounding when not applied to something.  Oh, growing up, why must you be confusing?

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