Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Something that I find interesting about life is that you always learn something. For many years of our lives we go to school to learn. That is school's purpose, but I think the world and the experiences it holds are the best teachers. As I look back over the past few weeks I have been here, the things that stick out in my mind as things that have been learned are not academic.

I think what I've learned most is that people, no matter how similar they or their situations may be now, come from vastly different life experiences. I often take having similar backgrounds for granted. Most of the people I grew up knowing and spending time with have life-stories similar to mine: Christian, middle class, white, and often home schooled.

But moving to college threw me into the vast whirl-wind of people: people of all nationalities, life experiences, hopes, dreams, and desires. Each of these factors brings something to a group or a friendship that is clearly unique to them and them alone. I'm a firm believer that where you came from has a direct impact on the person you become. Getting to know some people's stories helps you to know who they are now.

Our life stories are meant to be shared. They can be powerful leveling mechanisms, and I believe God uses them to share Him with others. Don't be afraid of your past. It makes you who you are.

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